Birth Year: 2005
Lineage: Ilyad Du Plessis x QuiRomante CD
Breed: Lusitano
Temperament: Elegant, Strong
Allure is a truly special mare. To my knowledge, she is one of only two known offspring of the great stallion Ilyad, a powerful and unique horse later owned by Bettina Drummond. Allure was bred at Carpe Diem Ranch, though she wasn’t originally planned. The gentleman in charge of the breeding program had a particular admiration for her dam, Quiromante, and chose to breed her. There was even talk of him keeping the resulting foal—who turned out to be Allure. Allure’s dam, Quiromante CD, was bred by Carpe Diem at a time when they owned the legendary Halconero. Halconero was later purchased by my friends Gail and Bret at Jaz Ranch. I have several of his offspring and consider him to be an incredibly influential sire. He was a prized bullfighter before transitioning to a successful career as a Grand Prix show jumper, showcasing the remarkable versatility of these horses. Quiromante herself is the product of strategic line breeding—her grandsire on both sides is the legendary Mercenario, the stallion who made Halconero such an important sire. Some of the greatest breeders have skillfully used line breeding to produce exceptional horses, and Allure is a testament to that tradition. This mare is very special to me. I was fortunate to get her with the help of my very good friend Emily Hogye. (She has since passed away, and we will always honor her with her mare Allure.) This mare lived at Emily’s “East” Tonalapa Ranch in Florida. We sent her for breeding, but she did not settle. We will try again this spring with a different stallion and see if we can get a baby from her.